Terms & Conditions


In these Terms and Conditions, the following words and phrases shall bear the following
meanings, unless the context requires otherwise:

  • “Academic Year” means an academic year at Kim & You Academy, which runs from 1st
    November of current year to 31st October of next year.
  • Kim & You Tuition Centre Pte Ltd (the “Company”) means the legal entity which runs
    enrichment programmes.
  • “Student” means learners under the age of 19 and in primary, secondary or JC/MI.
  • “Billing Cycle” means course fee(s) billed once every month (maybe 4 or 5 lessons).
  • “Calendar Month” means a full month commencing on the 1st day of a calendar month and
    ending on the last day of that calendar month.

Condition of Registration

1. A registration fee of $40 will be collected upon enrollment. This registration fee is not refundable.

2. Payment of a deposit equivalent to 4 weeks of course fees for the Registered Course(s) (the “Deposit”), upon the registration / renewal of the Student’s enrolment in the Registered Course(s). For the avoidance of doubt, and subject to these General Terms, the Deposit shall be used to pay for any outstanding amounts owed to the Company, which shall include but is not limited to the course fees for the final 4 weeks of the Registered Course(s).

3. Deposit(s) as well as full advance school fee will have to be made before the commencement of the first lesson in the Registered Course(s).

4. Advance payment notice of the Registered Course(s) will be given out on the 15th of every month and payment must be done by 26th of every month. Any later than that will be subjected to a late payment fee*.

5. Any *late payment, $10 administration fee will be imposed on a weekly basis. Should late payment not be paid, we will reserve the right to deduct the late payment from the deposit and prohibit the student from attending lesson.

6. Cheque(s) must be made payable to "Kim & You Tuition Centre Pte Ltd"mailing to Block 431 Clementi Avenue 3 #01-338 S(120431) crossed; and indicated on the back with:

    • student's name,
    • programme(s) selected, and
    • invoice number.

7. In cases whereby there are 5 weeks in a month, we will prorate the fees accordingly and inform you at the start of each month. For e.g., 4 lessons cost $300. 5 lessons will then cost $(300/4) x 5 = $375.

8. In the event that course fee(s) due for any Billing Cycle remain(s) unpaid by the third week of that Billing Cycle, the Company shall disallow the Student from attending any class(es) in the Registered Course(s).

9. Notwithstanding anything in these General Terms, the Student is not entitled to receive any materials for any classes which he/she has not paid for. In the event that the Student is registered for any of the Registered Course(s) after an    Academic Year has begun, the Student shall be entitled to receive worksheets only from the date on which he/she begins attending the Registered Course(s).

10. The Company shall not be obliged to refund any part of the course fees in the event that the Student fails to attend any class in the Registered Course(s) for any reason whatsoever.Subject to these General Terms, and in the event that  the Student does not turn up for classes and the fees for that Billing Cycle remain unpaid, the Deposit shall be used to settle the unpaid fees.

11. Classes will not be held from 23rd December to 2nd January and all public holidays. No school fee(s) will be collected.

Makeup Classes

1. In the event that the Student fails to attend a class in any of our courses, the Company may at its sole discretion, allow the Student to makeup the missed lesson by attending another ongoing class during the same academic week, provided that:

    • There is more than 1 class;
    • There is vacancy in the class that the Student intends to attend as the makeup
    • The Student or Parent submits either of the following original documents:
      • Medical certificate, or
      • Letter from the school, issued with late notice (i.e. within 7 days of the event)
        which states that the Student has compulsory school activities, the timing of
        which clashes with the Student’s classes at Kim & You Academy.
      • A deceased proof of a family member.

2. In the event that it is not possible to arrange a makeup class due to no vacancy in other classes, the course fees for the relevant Registered Course shall not be refunded or pro-rated, even if the Student has valid reason(s) for missing the class.

3. Should a student be intending to go overseas for holiday, please do note that his/her parents must inform us 1-month in advance so that makeup lesson can be planned beforehand.

4. No make-up lessons will be done for personal reasons like family dinner and outings etc. This is to ensure that we protect our teacher and prevent them from overworking.

Withdrawals & Refunds

1. If your child wants to withdraw from his/her class, he/she needs to take the withdrawal form from our Centre. Withdrawal will only be accepted when 1-month notice period is given and that the form has been submitted to the Centre. Failure to give notice will result in the deposit being forfeited. For example, if one informs about termination at the start of a new month where school fee for the current month had been paid, then the deposit will be used to offset the next school fee payment.

2. Deposit will not be refund in any circumstances. Deposit(s) will be strictly used for off-set and no multiple subjects, sibling or term discount will be applicable.

3. If a student’s parent opts for term-payment, he/she must complete the term and use the deposit to offset the last month school fee. For example, the term payment is until end of January then the deposit offset will be for February.

4. If the current month’s fees remain unpaid, you will be required to make payment for the lessons already attended. Thereafter, from the date you have given notice for withdrawal, your deposit will be used to offset an additional 4 lessons.

5. In the event that a Parent decides to withdraw the Student (regardless of reasons) before the Registered Course(s) commence(s), the Deposit will be forfeited. The withdrawal form in clause 4 will not be applicable in this instance.

6. Unless otherwise stated, all monies paid are non-refundable and non-transferable to another student, regardless of whether the Registered Course(s) has/have commenced.

Other Conditions

1. The Company reserves the right to, and shall in its sole discretion, (a) transfer, combine or dissolve a class, and or (b) terminate the Student’s place in any of the Registered Course(s).

2. While the Company will take reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of the student, the Company assumes no liability for personal injury, loss or damage of any kind whatsoever which might be sustained by the student in undertaking any activity or anything during the Registered Course(s), whether under the discretion of the Company or otherwise, and generally for any such injury, loss or damage howsoever caused except by the wilful default of the Company.

3. The Parent hereby releases the Company from all liability for such injury, loss or damage of any other kind whatsoever which might be sustained by the Student in undertaking any activity during the Registered Course(s) or/and in the premise, whether under the direction of the Company or otherwise, and generally for any such injury, loss or damage however caused except by the wilful default of the Company.

4. The Company shall not be liable for any default due to any act of God, war, strike, lockout, industrial action, fire, flood, drought, tempest or other event beyond the Company’s reasonable control.

5. The Registration / Renewal Form and these general Terms contain the whole agreement between the Parent, Student and the Company and supersedes any prior written or oral agreement between them relating to the Student’s enrolment in the Registered Course(s) and the parties confirm that they have not entered into this agreement on the basis of any representations that are not expressly incorporated in the Registration / Renewal Form and these general Terms.

6. Fees and schedules may be change without prior notice.

PDPA Clause

1. The Parent consents to the collection, use and disclosure of his/her personal data as well as the personal data of the Student in accordance with the purposes specified in the Personal Data Protection Policy.